#!/usr/bin/env python3 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- # Fenrir TTY screen reader # By Chrys, Storm Dragon, and contributers. from fenrirscreenreader.core import debug class helpManager(): def __init__(self): self.helpDict = {} self.tutorialListIndex = None def initialize(self, environment): self.env = environment def shutdown(self): pass def toggleTutorialMode(self): self.setTutorialMode(not self.env['general']['tutorialMode']) def setTutorialMode(self, newTutorialMode): if self.env['runtime']['vmenuManager'].getActive(): return self.env['general']['tutorialMode'] = newTutorialMode if newTutorialMode: self.createHelpDict() self.env['bindings'][str([1, ['KEY_ESC']])] = 'TOGGLE_TUTORIAL_MODE' self.env['bindings'][str([1, ['KEY_UP']])] = 'PREV_HELP' self.env['bindings'][str([1, ['KEY_DOWN']])] = 'NEXT_HELP' self.env['bindings'][str([1, ['KEY_SPACE']])] = 'CURR_HELP' else: try: self.env['bindings'] = self.env['runtime']['settingsManager'].getBindingBackup() except: pass def isTutorialMode(self): return self.env['general']['tutorialMode'] def getFormattedShortcutForCommand(self, command): shortcut = [] rawShortcut = [] try: rawShortcut = list(self.env['bindings'].keys())[list(self.env['bindings'].values()).index(command)] rawShortcut = self.env['rawBindings'][rawShortcut] # prefer numbers for multitap if rawShortcut[0] in range(2, 9): formattedKey = str(rawShortcut[0]) +' times ' shortcut.append(formattedKey) # prefer metha keys for k in ['KEY_FENRIR', 'KEY_SCRIPT', 'KEY_CTRL', 'KEY_SHIFT', 'KEY_ALT', 'KEY_META']: if k in rawShortcut[1]: formattedKey = k formattedKey = formattedKey.lower() formattedKey = formattedKey.replace('key_kp', ' keypad ') formattedKey = formattedKey.replace('key_', ' ') shortcut.append(formattedKey) rawShortcut[1].remove(k) # handle other keys for k in rawShortcut[1]: formattedKey = k formattedKey = formattedKey.lower() formattedKey = formattedKey.replace('key_kp', ' keypad ') formattedKey = formattedKey.replace('key_', ' ') shortcut.append(formattedKey) except Exception as e: return '' shortcut = str(shortcut) shortcut = shortcut.replace('[','') shortcut = shortcut.replace(']','') shortcut = shortcut.replace("'",'') return shortcut def getCommandHelpText(self, command, section = 'commands'): commandName = command.lower() commandName = commandName.split('__-__')[0] commandName = commandName.replace('_',' ') commandName = commandName.replace('_',' ') if command == 'TOGGLE_TUTORIAL_MODE': commandDescription = _('toggles the tutorial mode') else: commandDescription = self.env['runtime']['commandManager'].getCommandDescription(command, section = 'commands') if commandDescription == '': commandDescription = 'no Description available' commandShortcut = self.getFormattedShortcutForCommand(command) if commandShortcut == '': commandShortcut = 'unbound' helptext = commandName + ', Shortcut ' + commandShortcut + ', Description ' + commandDescription return helptext def createHelpDict(self, section = 'commands'): self.helpDict = {} for command in sorted(self.env['commands'][section].keys()): self.helpDict[len(self.helpDict)] = self.getCommandHelpText(command, section) if len(self.helpDict) > 0: self.tutorialListIndex = 0 else: self.tutorialListIndex = None def getHelpForCurrentIndex(self): if self.tutorialListIndex == None: return '' return self.helpDict[self.tutorialListIndex] def nextIndex(self): if self.tutorialListIndex == None: return self.tutorialListIndex += 1 if self.tutorialListIndex >= len(self.helpDict): self.tutorialListIndex = 0 def prevIndex(self): if self.tutorialListIndex == None: return self.tutorialListIndex -= 1 if self.tutorialListIndex < 0: self.tutorialListIndex = len(self.helpDict) - 1