# how to use this file? # the # on the beginning of the line is a comment # the different sections are seperated by [<name>Dict] <name> is the section name. Dict is a keyword # the entrys are seperated with :===: in words colon tripple equal colon ( to not collide with substitutions) [levelDict] none:===: some:===:.-$~+*-/\@ most:===:.,:-$~+*-/\@!#%^&*()[]}{<>; all:===:!"#$%& \'()*+,-./:;<=>?@[\\]^_`{|}~ [punctDict] :===:espace &:===:et ':===:apostrophe @:===:arobase \:===:barre oblique inversée |:===:barre verticale !:===:point d'exclamation ^:===:accent circonflexe ::===:deux points ,:===:virgule -:===:tiret $:===:dollar .:===:point >:===:suppérieur à `:===:accent grave #:===:dièse {:===:accolade ouvrante [:===:crochet ouvrant (:===:parenthèse ouvrante <:===:inférieur à %:===:pourcent +:===:plus ?:===:point d'interrogation ":===:guillemet ):===:parenthèse fermante }:===:accolade fermante ]:===:crochet fermant ;:===:point virgule /:===:barre oblique *:===:astérisque ~:===:tildé _:===:souligné =:===:égale à [customDict] [emoticonDict] :):===:sourire ;):===:clin d'oeil XD:===:explosé de rire :D:===:rire