6. Bookmarks Storing and retrieving objects Joanmarie Diggs joanied@gnome.org

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Cthulhu's Bookmarks support allows you to indicate that an object is of interest. It includes the following features:

You are not limited to a single object: You can set up to six bookmarks per environment. You can also save bookmarks so that they will persist from Cthulhu session to Cthulhu session.

Having set a bookmark you can navigate to it later, and do so regardless of whether or not you have chosen to permanently save the bookmarks associated with your current environment. Navigation can be based on the number of the bookmark should you wish to jump directly to a specific item. Alternatively, you can navigate to the next or previous bookmark just like you can a Structural Navigation object.

Bookmarkable objects can be widgets within an application or objects on the web page you are reading. Which environment you are in determines what happens as you navigate amongst bookmarks: If you are in web content, the caret will be moved to the bookmark so that you can continue reading; otherwise, Flat Review will be activated with the bookmark becoming the current review item.

The specific keybindings associated with each of the above tasks can be found in Bookmark Commands.