"""Utilities that can be used by tests.""" import difflib import re import sys import gi gi.require_version("Gdk", "3.0") gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0") from gi.repository import Gio from gi.repository import Gdk from gi.repository import Gtk from macaroon.playback import * testLogger = Gio.DBusProxy.new_for_bus_sync( Gio.BusType.SESSION, Gio.DBusProxyFlags.NONE, None, 'org.gnome.Cthulhu', '/org/gnome/Cthulhu', 'org.gnome.Cthulhu.Logger', None) enable_assert = \ environ.get('HARNESS_ASSERT', 'yes') in ('yes', 'true', 'y', '1', 1) errFilename = environ.get('HARNESS_ERR', None) outFilename = environ.get('HARNESS_OUT', None) if errFilename and len(errFilename): myErr = open(errFilename, 'a', 0) else: myErr = sys.stderr if outFilename and len(outFilename): if outFilename == errFilename: myOut = myErr else: myOut = open(outFilename, 'a', 0) else: myOut = sys.stdout def getKeyCodeForName(name): keymap = Gdk.Keymap.get_default() success, entries = keymap.get_entries_for_keyval(Gdk.keyval_from_name(name)) if success: return entries[-1].keycode return None def setClipboardText(text): clipboard = Gtk.Clipboard.get(Gdk.Atom.intern("CLIPBOARD", False)) clipboard.set_text(text, -1) class StartRecordingAction(AtomicAction): '''Tells Cthulhu to log speech and braille output to a string which we can later obtain and use in an assertion (see AssertPresentationAction)''' def __init__(self): if enable_assert: AtomicAction.__init__(self, 1000, self._startRecording) else: AtomicAction.__init__(self, 0, lambda: None) def _startRecording(self): testLogger.startRecording() def __str__(self): return 'Start Recording Action' def assertListEquality(rawCthulhuResults, expectedList): '''Convert raw speech and braille output obtained from Cthulhu into a list by splitting it at newline boundaries. Compare it to the list passed in and return the actual results if they differ. Otherwise, return None to indicate an equality.''' results = rawCthulhuResults.strip().split("\n") # Shoot for a string comparison first. # if results == expectedList: return None elif len(results) != len(expectedList): return results # If the string comparison failed, do a regex match item by item # for i in range(0, len(expectedList)): if results[i] == expectedList[i]: continue else: expectedResultRE = re.compile(expectedList[i]) if expectedResultRE.match(results[i]): continue else: return results return None class AssertPresentationAction(AtomicAction): '''Ask Cthulhu for the speech and braille logged since the last use of StartRecordingAction and apply an assertion predicate.''' totalCount = 0 totalSucceed = 0 totalFail = 0 totalKnownIssues = 0 def __init__(self, name, expectedResults, assertionPredicate=assertListEquality): '''name: the name of the test expectedResults: the results we want (typically a list of strings that can be treated as regular expressions) assertionPredicate: method to compare actual results to expected results ''' # [[[WDW: the pause is to wait for Cthulhu to process an event. # Probably should think of a better way to do this.]]] # if enable_assert: AtomicAction.__init__(self, 1000, self._stopRecording) self._name = sys.argv[0] + ":" + name self._expectedResults = expectedResults self._assertionPredicate = assertionPredicate AssertPresentationAction.totalCount += 1 self._num = AssertPresentationAction.totalCount else: AtomicAction.__init__(self, 0, lambda: None) def printDiffs(self, results): """Compare the expected results with the actual results and print out a set of diffs. Arguments: - results: the actual results. Returns an indication of whether this test was expected to fail. """ knownIssue = False print("DIFFERENCES FOUND:", file=myErr) if isinstance(self._expectedResults, [].__class__): for result in self._expectedResults: if result.startswith("KNOWN ISSUE") \ or result.startswith("BUG?"): knownIssue = True else: if self._expectedResults.startswith("KNOWN ISSUE") \ or self._expectedResults.startswith("BUG?"): knownIssue = True d = difflib.Differ() try: # This can stack trace for some odd reason (UTF-8 characters?), # so we need to capture it. Otherwise, it can hang the tests. # diffs = list(d.compare(self._expectedResults, results)) print('\n'.join(list(diffs)), file=myErr) except: print("(ERROR COMPUTING DIFFERENCES!!!)", file=myErr) for i in range(0, max(len(results), len(self._expectedResults))): try: print(" EXPECTED: %s" \ % self._expectedResults[i].decode("UTF-8", "replace"), file=myErr) except: pass try: print(" ACTUAL: %s" \ % results[i].decode("UTF-8", "replace"), file=myErr) except: pass return knownIssue def _stopRecording(self): result = testLogger.stopRecording() results = self._assertionPredicate(result, self._expectedResults) if not results: AssertPresentationAction.totalSucceed += 1 print("Test %d of %d SUCCEEDED: %s" \ % (self._num, AssertPresentationAction.totalCount, self._name), file=myOut) else: AssertPresentationAction.totalFail += 1 print("Test %d of %d FAILED: %s" \ % (self._num, AssertPresentationAction.totalCount, self._name), file=myErr) knownIssue = self.printDiffs(results) if knownIssue: AssertPresentationAction.totalKnownIssues += 1 print('[FAILURE WAS EXPECTED - ' \ 'LOOK FOR KNOWN ISSUE OR BUG? ' \ 'IN EXPECTED RESULTS]', file=myErr) else: print('[FAILURE WAS UNEXPECTED]', file=myErr) def __str__(self): return 'Assert Presentation Action: %s' % self._name class AssertionSummaryAction(AtomicAction): '''Output the summary of successes and failures of AssertPresentationAction assertions.''' def __init__(self): AtomicAction.__init__(self, 0, self._printSummary) def _printSummary(self): print("SUMMARY: %d SUCCEEDED and %d FAILED (%d UNEXPECTED) of %d for %s"\ % (AssertPresentationAction.totalSucceed, AssertPresentationAction.totalFail, (AssertPresentationAction.totalFail \ - AssertPresentationAction.totalKnownIssues), AssertPresentationAction.totalCount, sys.argv[0]), file=myOut) def __str__(self): return 'Start Recording Action'