#!/bin/bash # Get nick if [[ ! -d ~/.stormux_irssi ]]; then nick="$(inputbox "Please enter a username to be used when chatting. This is what other people will see when you type something. Only letters, numbers, dashes and underscores.")" if ! [[ "$nick" =~ ^[a-z][-a-z0-9]*$ ]]; then nick="stormux_$(uname -m)" fi fi # Make sure irssi is installed if ! command -v irssi &> /dev/null ; then install_package irssi | dialog --progressbox "Installing irssi..." -1 -1 fi # check for Stormux specific irssi config if [[ ! -d ~/.stormux_irssi ]]; then { fileName="$(mktemp --suffix .txz)" curl --output "$fileName" "https://stormux.org/downloads/.stormux_irssi.txz" tar xf "$fileName" -C ~/ sed -i -e "s/user_name = \"stormux\";$/user_name = \"$nick\";/" -e "s/nick = \"stormux\";$/nick = \"$nick\";/" ~/.stormux_irssi/config } | dialog --progressbox "Configuring irssi..." -1 -1 fi # Launch irssi irssi --home ~/.stormux_irssi exit 0