#!/bin/python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Standard initializations and functions shared by all games.""" from espeak import espeak import os from os import listdir from os.path import isfile, join import pygame import time def speak(text, interupt = True): if interupt == True: espeak.cancel() espeak.set_voice("en-us") espeak.synth(text) def initialize_gui(gameTitle): # start pygame pygame.init() # start the display (required by the event loop) pygame.display.set_mode((320, 200)) pygame.display.set_caption(gameTitle) # Load sounds from the sound directory and creates a list like that {'bottle': 'bottle.ogg'} soundFiles = [f for f in listdir("sounds/") if isfile(join("sounds/", f)) and (f.split('.')[1].lower() in ["ogg","wav"])] #lets make a dict with pygame.mixer.Sound() objects {'bottle':} soundData = {} for f in soundFiles: soundData[f.split('.')[0]] = pygame.mixer.Sound("sounds/" + f) return soundData