-- Speak with speech-dispatcher local function speak(text) os.execute('spd-say "' .. text .. '"') end -- Window related variables. local gameName = "Bottle Blaster" local SDL = require "SDL" local mixer = require "SDL.mixer" local ret, err = SDL.init { SDL.flags.Video } if not ret then error(err) end local function trySDL(func, ...) local t = { func(...) } if not t[1] then error(t[#t]) end return table.unpack(t) end local function exit_game(SDL, mixer) SDL.quit() mixer.quit() return false end local win, err = SDL.createWindow { title = gameName, width = 320, height = 320 } if not win then error(err) end trySDL(mixer.openAudio, 44100, SDL.audioFormat.S16, 2, 1024) -- Load all game sounds here: -- Format: local variableName = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "path/to/file") -- Supported file types flac, ogg, wav local bottle = { trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/glass1.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/glass2.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/glass3.ogg") } local gun = { trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/gun1.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/gun2.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/gun3.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/gun4.ogg"), trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/gun5.ogg") } local empty = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/empty.ogg") local load = {} load[3] = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/load3.ogg") load[4] = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/load3.ogg") load[5] = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/load5.ogg") local function play_sound(sound, channel, loop) channel = channel or -1 loop = loop or 0 sound:playChannel(channel, loop) end -- I would rather get rid of this function and just have the one play function local function pan_sound(mixer, sound) mixer.SetPanning(-1, 255, 127) sound:playChannel(-1, 0) end local function game_intro() local sound = trySDL(mixer.loadWAV, "sounds/game-intro.ogg") sound:playChannel(-1, 0) while mixer.playing(-1) > 0 do SDL.delay(100) end end -- Game variables local direction = "" local holdKey = {} local keyName = "" local loaded = true local playerPosition = math.random(0, 30) local running = true local weapon = 1 -- game functions. local function player_move(position, direction) if direction == "Left" and position > 0 then position = position - 1 end if direction == "Right" and position < 30 then position = position + 1 end return position end game_intro() -- Main game loop. while running do -- Need a timer to make holding arrows move at a slower speed. for player_move() playerPosition = player_move(playerPosition, direction) -- Iterate over all events, this function does not block. for e in SDL.pollEvent() do if e.type == SDL.event.KeyUp then --chrys just recognice the keyup and free the loop keyName = SDL.getKeyName(e.keysym.sym) holdKey[keyName] = false direction = "" -- speak(playerPosition) end if e.type == SDL.event.Quit then running = false elseif e.type == SDL.event.KeyDown and not holdKey[keyName] then -- chrysif not already down ( see below) keyName = SDL.getKeyName(e.keysym.sym) holdKey[keyName] = true --chrys mark the remember the keydown if keyName == "Q" then running = exit_game(SDL, mixer) elseif keyName == "Left Shift" or keyName == "Right Shift" then if weapon >= 3 and loaded == false then -- Need to not allow firing until loading is complete. play_sound(load[weapon]) end loaded = true elseif keyName == "Space" then if loaded == true then play_sound(gun[weapon]) play_sound(bottle[math.random(1, #bottle)]) else play_sound(empty) end if weapon >= 3 then loaded = false end elseif keyName == "Left" or keyName == "Right" then direction = keyName elseif tonumber(keyName) == nil then -- make sure keyName can be converted to a number for remaing if statements to avoid a crash. keyName = "0" elseif tonumber(keyName) >= 1 and tonumber(keyName) <= 5 then weapon = tonumber(keyName) loaded = true if weapon == 1 then speak("pistal") elseif weapon == 2 then speak("beretta") elseif weapon == 3 then speak("boomstick shotgun") elseif weapon == 4 then speak("pump action shotgun") elseif weapon == 5 then speak("bo and arrow") end end end end end