added a link to the games.

This commit is contained in:
Storm Dragon 2015-04-27 20:16:55 -04:00
parent 78ac1e8761
commit c531747279

View File

@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ if [ $newHighScore -le 5 ] ; then
read -n 1 -p "Post this score to GNU Social? " answer
if [ "${answer^}" = "Y" ] ; then
read -p "Enter your webfinger, e.g. " answer
result="$(curl --connect-timeout 60 -s -u "${answer%@*}" -d status="I just got the number $newHighScore position in #${0##*/} on my local scoreboard with $1 points using the ${sound##*/} soundpack! #storm-games" -d source="${0##/*}" https://${answer#*@}/api/statuses/update.xml | grep '^ <text>' | sed -e 's/^ <text>//' -e 's/<\/text>$//')"
result="$(curl --connect-timeout 60 -s -u "${answer%@*}" -d status="I just got the number $newHighScore position in #${0##*/} on my local scoreboard with $1 points using the ${sound##*/} soundpack! Wanna play? #storm-games" -d source="${0##/*}" https://${answer#*@}/api/statuses/update.xml | grep '^ <text>' | sed -e 's/^ <text>//' -e 's/<\/text>$//')"
echo "$result"