From 596fb8a4310b70d5dbcca4db28be1660c63d0ea6 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Storm Dragon Date: Thu, 30 Apr 2015 22:59:55 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] Last Stand now posts to GNU Social. --- last-stand/last-stand | 8 ++++++++ 1 file changed, 8 insertions(+) diff --git a/last-stand/last-stand b/last-stand/last-stand index 609db6b..cebfcce 100755 --- a/last-stand/last-stand +++ b/last-stand/last-stand @@ -274,6 +274,14 @@ echo "Thor is proud to have you among Valhalla's warriors" else echo "Bards through out the ages shall sing your praises. Rest in piece mighty warrior, your runestone shall be great in deed." fi +if [ $slain -gt 3 ]; then +read -n 1 -p "Post this score to GNU Social? " answer +if [ "${answer^}" = "Y" ] ; then +read -p "Enter your webfinger, e.g. " answer +result="$(curl --connect-timeout 60 -s -u "${answer%@*}" -d status="Before falling in battle to ${cpuName} I slew $slain enemies! $(if [ $slain -lt 6 ]; then echo -n "Thor is proud to have me among Valhalla's warriors."; else echo -n "Bards through out the ages shall sing my praises, my runestone shall be great in deed!";fi) I made my #${0##*/}! Wanna play? #storm-games" -d source="${0##/*}" https://${answer#*@}/api/statuses/update.xml | grep '^ ' | sed -e 's/^ //' -e 's/<\/text>$//')" +echo "$result" +fi +fi read -n 1 -p "Play again? " answer echo if [ "${answer^}" != "Y" ] ; then