package main import ( "fmt" "" "os/exec" "strings" "time" "" "" "" ) const ( uiViewLogo = "logo" uiViewTop = "top" uiViewStatus = "status" uiViewInput = "input" uiViewInputStatus = "inputstatus" uiViewOutput = "output" uiViewTree = "tree" ) func Beep() { cmd := exec.Command("beep") cmdout, err := cmd.Output() if err != nil { panic(err) } if cmdout != nil { } } func esc(str string) string { return sanitize.HTML(str) } func (b *Barnard) Notify(event string, who string, what string) { b.notifyChannel <- []string{event, who, what} } func (b *Barnard) Beep() { Beep() } func (b *Barnard) SetSelectedUser(user *gumble.User) { b.selectedUser = user if user == nil { if len(b.UiInput.Text) > 0 { } b.UpdateInputStatus(fmt.Sprintf("[%s]", b.Client.Self.Channel.Name)) } else { b.UpdateInputStatus(fmt.Sprintf("[@%s]", user.Name)) } } func (b *Barnard) GetInputStatus() string { return b.UiInputStatus.Text } func (b *Barnard) UpdateInputStatus(status string) { if len(status) > 20 { status = status[:17] + "..." + "]" } b.UiInputStatus.Text = status b.UiTree.Rebuild() b.Ui.Refresh() } func (b *Barnard) AddOutputLine(line string) { now := time.Now() b.UiOutput.AddLine(fmt.Sprintf("[%02d:%02d:%02d] %s", now.Hour(), now.Minute(), now.Second(), line)) } func (b *Barnard) AddOutputMessage(sender *gumble.User, message string) { if sender == nil { b.AddOutputLine(message) } else { b.AddOutputLine(fmt.Sprintf("%s: %s", sender.Name, strings.TrimSpace(esc(message)))) } } func (b *Barnard) AddOutputPrivateMessage(source *gumble.User, dest *gumble.User, message string) { var sender string if source == nil { sender = "Server" } else { sender = source.Name } b.AddOutputLine(fmt.Sprintf("pm/%s/%s: %s", sender, dest.Name, strings.TrimSpace(esc(message)))) } func (b *Barnard) OnTimestampToggle(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.ToggleTimestamps() } func (b *Barnard) UpdateGeneralStatus(text string, notice bool) { // if (b.UiStatus.Text == text) { //return //} if notice { b.UiStatus.Fg = uiterm.ColorWhite | uiterm.AttrBold b.UiStatus.Bg = uiterm.ColorRed } else { b.UiStatus.Fg = uiterm.ColorBlack b.UiStatus.Bg = uiterm.ColorWhite } b.UiStatus.Text = text b.Ui.Refresh() } func (b *Barnard) OnVoiceToggle(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.setTransmit(ui, 2) } func (b *Barnard) CommandLog(ui *uiterm.Ui, cmd string) { b.AddOutputLine("command " + cmd) } func (b *Barnard) CommandTalk(ui *uiterm.Ui, cmd string) { b.setTransmit(ui, 2) } func (b *Barnard) CommandMicUp(ui *uiterm.Ui, cmd string) { b.setTransmit(ui, 1) } func (b *Barnard) CommandMicDown(ui *uiterm.Ui, cmd string) { b.setTransmit(ui, 0) } func (b *Barnard) setTransmit(ui *uiterm.Ui, val int) { if b.Tx && val == 1 { return } if b.Tx == false && val == 0 { return } if b.Tx { b.Notify("micdown", "me", "") b.Tx = false b.UpdateGeneralStatus(" Idle ", false) b.Stream.StopSource() } else if b.Connected == false { b.Notify("error", "me", "no tx while disconnected") b.Tx = false b.UpdateGeneralStatus("no tx while disconnected", true) } else { b.Tx = true err := b.Stream.StartSource(b.UserConfig.GetInputDevice()) if err != nil { b.Notify("error", "me", err.Error()) b.UpdateGeneralStatus(err.Error(), true) } else { b.Notify("micup", "me", "") b.UpdateGeneralStatus(" Tx ", true) } //if error transmit } //not transmitting } //func func (b *Barnard) OnMicVolumeDown(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.Stream.SetMicVolume(-0.1, true) b.UserConfig.SetMicVolume(b.Stream.GetMicVolume()) } func (b *Barnard) OnMicVolumeUp(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.Stream.SetMicVolume(0.1, true) b.UserConfig.SetMicVolume(b.Stream.GetMicVolume()) } func (b *Barnard) OnQuitPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.Client.Disconnect() b.Ui.Close() } func (b *Barnard) CommandExit(ui *uiterm.Ui, cmd string) { b.Client.Disconnect() b.Ui.Close() } func (b *Barnard) OnClearPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.Clear() } func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputUp(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.ScrollUp() } func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputDown(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.ScrollDown() } func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputTop(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.ScrollTop() } func (b *Barnard) OnScrollOutputBottom(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { b.UiOutput.ScrollBottom() } func (b *Barnard) OnFocusPress(ui *uiterm.Ui, key uiterm.Key) { active := b.Ui.Active() if active == uiViewInput { b.Ui.SetActive(uiViewTree) } else if active == uiViewTree { b.Ui.SetActive(uiViewInput) } width, height := termbox.Size() b.OnUiResize(ui, width, height) ui.Refresh() } func (b *Barnard) OnTextInput(ui *uiterm.Ui, textbox *uiterm.Textbox, text string) { if text == "" { return } if b.Client != nil && b.Client.Self != nil { if b.selectedUser != nil { b.selectedUser.Send(text) b.AddOutputPrivateMessage(b.Client.Self, b.selectedUser, text) } else { b.Client.Self.Channel.Send(text, false) b.AddOutputMessage(b.Client.Self, text) } } } func (b *Barnard) GotoChat() { b.OnFocusPress(b.Ui, uiterm.KeyTab) } func (b *Barnard) OnUiDoneInitialize(ui *uiterm.Ui) { b.start() } func (b *Barnard) OnUiInitialize(ui *uiterm.Ui) { ui.Add(uiViewLogo, &uiterm.Label{ Text: "Barnard ", Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite | uiterm.AttrBold, Bg: uiterm.ColorMagenta, }) // ui.Add(uiViewTop, &uiterm.Label{ // Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite, // Bg: uiterm.ColorBlue, // }) b.UiStatus = uiterm.Label{ Text: " Idle ", Fg: uiterm.ColorBlack, Bg: uiterm.ColorWhite, } ui.Add(uiViewStatus, &b.UiStatus) b.UiInput = uiterm.Textbox{ Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite, Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack, Input: b.OnTextInput, } ui.Add(uiViewInput, &b.UiInput) b.UiInputStatus = uiterm.Label{ Fg: uiterm.ColorBlack, Bg: uiterm.ColorWhite, } ui.Add(uiViewInputStatus, &b.UiInputStatus) b.UiOutput = uiterm.Textview{ Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite, Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack, } ui.Add(uiViewOutput, &b.UiOutput) b.UiTree = uiterm.Tree{ Generator: b.TreeItemBuild, KeyListener: b.TreeItemKeyPress, CharacterListener: b.TreeItemCharacter, Fg: uiterm.ColorWhite, Bg: uiterm.ColorBlack, } ui.Add(uiViewTree, &b.UiTree) //add this to see what your commands are coming in as raw strings // b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandLog, "*") b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandMicUp, "micup") b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandMicDown, "micdown") b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandTalk, "toggle") b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandTalk, "talk") b.Ui.AddCommandListener(b.CommandExit, "exit") b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnFocusPress, b.Hotkeys.SwitchViews) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnVoiceToggle, b.Hotkeys.Talk) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnTimestampToggle, b.Hotkeys.ToggleTimestamps) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnQuitPress, b.Hotkeys.Exit) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputUp, b.Hotkeys.ScrollUp) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputDown, b.Hotkeys.ScrollDown) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputTop, b.Hotkeys.ScrollToTop) b.Ui.AddKeyListener(b.OnScrollOutputBottom, b.Hotkeys.ScrollToBottom) b.Ui.SetActive(uiViewInput) b.UiTree.Rebuild() b.Ui.Refresh() } func (b *Barnard) OnUiResize(ui *uiterm.Ui, width, height int) { treeHeight := 0 outputHeight := 0 active := b.Ui.Active() if active == uiViewTree { treeHeight = height - 4 outputHeight = 0 } else { treeHeight = 0 outputHeight = height - 4 } // ui.SetBounds(uiViewLogo, 0, 0, 9, 1) ui.SetBounds(uiViewOutput, 0, 1, width, outputHeight+1) ui.SetBounds(uiViewTree, 0, 1, width, treeHeight+1) ui.SetBounds(uiViewStatus, 0, height-2, width, height-1) ui.SetBounds(uiViewInputStatus, 0, height-1, len(b.GetInputStatus()), height) //setting this to inputStatus+1 will leave one space between inputStatus and input box //x starts at 0, so 10 chars of text will go from 0 to 9, there'll be a space at char 10, and we'll start at (10+1)=11 ui.SetBounds(uiViewInput, len(b.GetInputStatus())+1, height-1, width, height) }