#!/usr/bin/env bash # Wait for the game to be launched while ! pgrep -u "$USER" ^$1 &> /dev/null ; do sleep 0.05 done unset cliptext socketFile="$(find /tmp -maxdepth 1 -name "orca-*.sock")" while pgrep -u "$USER" ^$1 &> /dev/null ; do sleep 0.05 if [[ -f ~/.agmsilent ]]; then continue fi if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then tmp="$(pbpaste 2> /dev/null)" else tmp="$(xclip -d "${DISPLAY:-:0}" -selection clipboard -o 2> /dev/null)" fi tmp="${tmp//%/ percent }" if [ "$tmp" != "$cliptext" ] ; then cliptext="$tmp" if [[ "${cliptext,,}" =~ key|load|private|says|terminal ]]; then if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then say -v alex -r 300 "$cliptext" else if [[ -w "${socketFile}" ]]; then echo "<#APPEND#>$cliptext" | socat - UNIX-CLIENT:"${socketFile}" else spd-say -w -- "$cliptext" fi fi else if [[ "$(uname)" == "Darwin" ]]; then say -v alex -r 300 "$cliptext" else if [[ -w "${socketFile}" ]]; then echo "$cliptext" | socat - UNIX-CLIENT:"${socketFile}" else spd-say -- "$cliptext" fi fi fi fi done exit 0