# Allows you to select a wine prefix to run with audiogame manager #Get Working Directory tell application "Finder" set currentPath to container of (path to me) as alias end tell #format Converters on convertPathToAlias(thePath) tell application "System Events" try return (path of disk item (thePath as string)) as alias on error return (path of disk item (path of thePath) as string) as alias end try end tell end convertPathToAlias on convertPathToPOSIXString(thePath) tell application "System Events" try set thePath to path of disk item (thePath as string) on error set thePath to path of thePath end try end tell return POSIX path of thePath end convertPathToPOSIXString set currentPath to convertPathToPOSIXString(currentPath) set folderPath to POSIX file "~/.local/wine/" set folderPath to convertPathToAlias(folderPath) set gameFolder to choose folder with prompt "Choose your game and press enter:" default location folderPath set gameFolder to convertPathToPOSIXString(gameFolder) set gameFolder to quoted form of gameFolder set gameName to do shell script ("basename " & gameFolder) do shell script "/usr/local/bin/bash -l " & currentPath & "audiogame-manager.sh -l " & gameName & " &> /dev/null &" do shell script "say -v alex Launching " & gameName & ", please wait..."