#!/usr/bin/env bash path="$(readlink -f $0)" path="${path%/*/*}" path="${path##*/}" if [[ "$path" == "i3" ]]; then mapfile -t windowList < <(python3 -c ' import i3ipc i3 = i3ipc.Connection() for con in i3.get_tree(): if con.window and con.parent.type != "dockarea": print(con.window) print(con.name)') id="$(yad --title "I38" --list --separator "" --column "id" --column "Select Window" --hide-column 1 --print-column 1 "${windowList[@]}")" if [[ -z "${id}" ]]; then exit 0 fi i3-msg \[id="${id}"\] focus else mapfile -t windowList < <(python3 -c ' import i3ipc i3 = i3ipc.Connection() for con in i3.get_tree(): if con.window or con.type == "con": if con.name: print(con.window) print(con.name)') # Remove the first entry if it is "none" if [[ "${windowList[0]}" == "none" ]]; then unset "windowList[0]" fi id="$(yad --title "I38" --list --separator "" --column "id" --column "Select Window" --hide-column 1 --print-column 1 "${windowList[@]}")" if [[ -z "${id}" ]]; then exit 0 fi swaymsg \[id="${id}"\] focus fi