#!/bin/bash # Add this to your crontab to have battery status automatically reported when it starts getting low # */10 * * * * XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/run/user/1000 /home/user/.config/i3/scripts/game_controler.sh # Set the name to your battery here. # If not set, it will be automatically detected. batteryName="" if [[ "$batteryName" == "" ]]; then batteryName="$(find /sys/class/power_supply -name 'sony_controller_battery_*' | cut -d/ -f5)" fi # If there's no file, we don't check it. if [[ ! -f "/sys/class/power_supply/${batteryName}/capacity" ]]; then spd-say -P important -Cw "Battery not found." exit 0 fi oldPercent="$(tail -1 "$0" | tr -cd '[:digit:]')" oldPercent="${oldPercent:-0}" percent=$(cat "/sys/class/power_supply/${batteryName}/capacity" | tr -cd '[:digit:]') status="$(cat "/sys/class/power_supply/${batteryName}/status")" # If status is requested, give it and exit. if [[ "$1" == "-s" || "$1" == "--status" ]]; then spd-say -P important -Cw "Battery ${percent} percent, ${status,,}." exit 0 fi if [[ $percent -ne $oldPercent && $percent -gt 10 ]]; then spd-say "Battery $(> "$0" exit 0 50